July is still jumping…

If I had to label this past weekend’s activities, it might be something along the lines of “if you’re gonna be hot anyway…might as well be entertained”. (I know, I know: entirely too wordy. Titles are just not my forte, you may have noticed…) First on the agenda, a bootcamp buddy mentioned an upcoming 5KContinue reading “July is still jumping…”


Ah, the first full month of Summer—so many long, hot days, beckoning with a siren’s call to (brave the punishing humidity, slather yourself with sunscreen, accept the reality of being bathed in sweat and) GET OUTSIDE. As you are well aware by this point, Team WestEnders love ourselves some Great Outdoors, so here’s a samplingContinue reading “July-jinks”

Planning playtime…is a lot of WORK

By this point, my incurable case of wanderlust has been well-documented. From mini field trips to overnight expeditions to far flung adventures, it brings me great joy to keep roaming. Furthermore, if too much time passes without an opportunity to journey somewhere and explore, I begin to feel the burgeoning seeds of restlessness, and anxiety,Continue reading “Planning playtime…is a lot of WORK”

Adulting…ish (college style)

Heading back into the Real World after the long 4th of July weekend, Team WestEnders is happy to find ourselves right in the heart of Summer…and yet, school concerns still manage to crop up on the To Do List around here. For example, older son is gearing up for Senior…shenanigans  (I KNOW, RIGHT? Already? AyContinue reading “Adulting…ish (college style)”

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